Commencement date of the activity: 30 March 1998
The immediate impulse for the creation of Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju i Współpracy Regionalnej „Olza“ w Cieszynie [the Association for Development and Regional Cooperation 'Olza' in Cieszyn] was the decision of the local authorities concerned to strive for the creation of the Cieszyn Silesia Euroregion.
Negotiations were conducted by the municipalities of Związek Komunalny Ziemi Cieszyńskiej [the Municipal Union of Cieszyn Silesia] with Jastrzębie-Zdrój and Zebrzydowice, which resulted first in the establishment of an association of municipalities, and later - local governments.
On 30 March 1998 - the day the Association started its activities - the founding members were: Brenna, Chybie, Cieszyn, Dębowiec, Goleszów, Hażlach, Istebna, Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Jaworze, Skoczów, Strumień, Ustroń, Wisła, Zebrzydowice. Later on, the following joined: Jasienica (1998), Powiat Cieszyński [the District of Cieszyn] (2000) and Godów (2003).
The seat of the Association as well as the seat of the Polish part of the Euroregion has been located in Cieszyn since the beginning. The member municipalities (there are currently 17) are the municipalities of Cieszyn, Bielsko, Wodzisław districts, the township of Jastrzębie-Zdrój, and the country district of Cieszyn.